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T.G.Hopkins III

While package bees can seem daunting to a new retailer, Beeassured, if store personal follow our delivery instructions, they won’t get stung by the words of an angry customer. Packagebee prices will be announced in December before the beginning of each season. Retailers will start non-refundable presales onbees in January of each year. Live bees will presale up until a predetermined cut-off date in the middle of March. Live bee deliveries will begin the first week of April and no later than the first week of May. Mellivo Bee packages are sourced out of ofCentralMontanaand and Northern Idaho. Our commercial producers ship their bees to the almonds to fulfill their pollination contracts in January, which helps the hives build up earlier in the season. After pollination, the hives are shipped to the cooler climates where spring is just begging. With the hives strong, producers make up any losses in their operations and shake any surplus into packages. All our queens are sourced out of Northern California from reputable producers and shipped overnight to the theCommercialApiaries in a cooler climate for the production of the packages. Once the package is produced, a new queen in her separate cage is placed into the bee package with approximately 10,000attendant bees; basically, making a man make a swarm, fed well and ready to produce comb.

Picture taken in Northern California just as the bloom was beginning to fall in an almond orchard

Picture taken in Northern California just as the bloom was beginning to fall in an almond orchard

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